Ms. Sowmya Ananth Kumar
Vice Chairman and Co-Founder
“Education is not just about going to school and getting a degree. It's about widening your knowledge and absorbing the truth about life” - Shakunthala Devi
Vice Chairman’s Message
Dear Students, Faculty, and Parents,
As we embark on this journey together, I want to share my vision for our school. I see a vibrant learning community where every student feels empowered to reach their fullest potential. We recognize that each of our students is unique, with their own individual strengths and talents. Our goal is to nurture those talents, providing a stimulating environment where knowledge flows effortlessly and curiosity is actively encouraged.
While we strive for academic excellence, we also believe in the importance of staying connected to our roots. Our rich cultural heritage holds invaluable lessons, and we want our students to embrace these traditions as they forge their paths. Respect for elders and compassion towards all are values that will form the bedrock of our school’s environment.
My vision extends beyond individual success. I dream of a school that produces responsible citizens deeply committed to giving back to society. We want our students to understand the impact they can have on their communities and the world at large.
Let us work together, hand-in-hand, to build a school where knowledge meets compassion, where tradition fuels innovation, and where our students emerge as the confident leaders of tomorrow.